Sweet Dreams

Like stardust glistening on fairies’ wings,
Little girl dreams are of magical things.

I’ve been wanting to counteract the mood of my humanoid story. A part of me thinks it sounded like a tale of murder, but the other part of me thinks it was simply pointing to the moral of it all… playing God with artificial intelligence could cause chaos someday.

Regardless, it wasn’t the type of story I’d buy the book for, but it is FINISHED- which was my goal. I’ve got many more stories to finish, and I thought I’d use this illustration as a little push to myself, to keep the stories sweeter and more childlike.

Anyway, I think this image is a nice contrast to killer robots. In all honesty, I wanted to keep going with Isha waking up in the humanoid’s metal frame, and the humanoid now being her “boss,” but it was just too complicated to word.

I realized that in not giving the humanoid a name, I had a bit of a gender dilemma. If Isha is transformed into the robot, is she now a HE? And now that the humanoid’s brain is living in Isha’s human frame, is he now a SHE? As you can see, it was a bit controversial. Ha-Ha! So… I had to write Isha out of the end because I was tired of thinking about it.

The image is something I started working on a couple of weeks ago. I was aiming for a collage of rainbow colors, but I got attached to the turquoise and black and I preferred that it wasn’t all psychedelic. Just something fun.

I guess that’s about all for now.

No more pencils…
No more books…
No more teacher’s dirty looks..
School’s out for the summer….

School’s out forever.
-Alice Cooper

Just a little celebration going on over here! Goodbye University… hello free time!

Peace & Love!


5 responses to “Sweet Dreams”

  1. Dracul Van Helsing Avatar

    I absolutely love your illustration. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar

      Thanks Christopher! 😁❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Dracul Van Helsing Avatar

      You’re very welcome.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. John Avatar

    Freedom! 😎❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar


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