
“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

Before I talk about hope, let me just say that I’ve been trying one of the new free programs (which I’ll talk about another day), and it’s an excellent time killer, but as far as literally creating anything – I’ve yet to succeed.

It’s not that the program (Inkscape) is difficult, it’s more that I’ve had no idea what to create. My mind is like a blank slate these days, and I’m not sure what to fill it with.

That being said, I created this random artwork using an old photograph. It’s mainly effects, but remnants of the old photo still exist. I’m not even sure what type of plant it was, but it reminded me of wheat. It’s possible that it’s prairie grass?

I decided to call it HOPE, because of the way that the golden colored wheatlike plant seems to be reaching out for something. I thought that it could be hope, and that sounded like a wonderful theme to me.

I’m not experiencing hardships (none that are new or unusual anyway), but that blankness in my mind has been troubling me. I’ve wondered a few times if that’s what it feels like to give in. To give up. I’m not sad at all, it’s more like living in monochrome rather than polychrome.

I think there is a very FINE line between settling into your age (and wisdom, of course) and just allowing yourself to “exist.” Maybe what I’ve been experiencing has more to do with being at that ‘settling down’ age – so that is definitely something worth exploring down the road.

Thinking about hope reminded me that change (or bursts of color) can happen in an instant, if you truly believe in something and set your mind to it. So, in a way, that blank slate in my mind is a magic door to anything… and that fills me with hope.

I think that’s about all for now. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed something here, and that you are filled with hope today, as well.

Until next time,
Peace & Love!

“Earth’s troubles fade in the light of heaven’s hope.” -Billy Graham


6 responses to “Hope”

  1. Tanvir Kaur Avatar

    Absolutely well said and beautiful words of wisdom shared

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar

      Thank you!


  2. stuartshafran Avatar

    I think everyone goes through periods of lack of inspiration, regardless of age. And then suddenly you read a great book or see something amazing and you’re off again!

    I’m also interested in finding alternative software to Adobe’s subscription model; there’s some good programs out there but I haven’t found anything yet that can replace it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar

      Thank you Stuart! Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s out there and how it works. I know it took me quite some time to get used to Adobe and I still know so little compared to what can be done lol.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Elizabeth Avatar

    Janet, I love this piece of work! And you’ve described perfectly what I’ve been feeling this past year- sort of a mundane existence. It breeds so much guilt because although not wealthy in a material sense, I’ve been blessed in so many ways. I have to be careful to explore this with curiosity and non-judgement- I can be very critical and harsh with myself…

    Yes, it’s like being unable to see the color in the world. And in ourselves!

    I’m including a link to the devotional I received this morning by my favorite Scottish preacher – please forgive if it doesn’t apply or just take what you like and leave the rest!

    ps I celebrated 7 years of sobriety on the Solstice!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar

      Hi Elizabeth! And a huge congratulations to you. That is awesome! I do hope to explore and possibly remedy these ‘mundane’ feelings, and hopefully I’ll have thoughts to share.

      Thank you so much for the link, I will check that out!!

      As always it’s so nice to hear from you. ❤️


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