Can a Zebra…

I started working on this Zebra some time ago, and I started to enjoy the fact that all I had to spend time on was the black. The white just sort of fills itself in for you, with the help of your eyes. What a time saver.

I’ve been offline for awhile, simply enjoying a little relaxation. I’ve also been thinking a lot – about how things, and many of the people I know (and many I don’t know) have been evolving or changing since 2020.

I don’t know about everywhere else, but in my neck of the woods it seems that small changes have occurred (and continue to occur) since things shut down – and then reopened (or didn’t reopen).

Simply put: Prices up, quality down. In every sector.

The changes are small each time, but over time they add up to BIG. And good old fashioned customer service? Gone. It’s like one day the world just changed, and the signs are everywhere… things will never really return to what it was before ‘that day’.

I’m not bringing this up to be a downer, or complainer, it’s just something I’ve been pondering. I started thinking that maybe I could focus on ways to adapt – to change what “I” do – rather than just blowing a bunch of hot air about how crappy things are getting.

For example, I got a notice that the monthly cost of Adobe is going up. It’s not even the additional $$ per month that bugs me so much, it’s the fact that I miss the old days, when programs were sold in a box. You took them home with you and you actually owned them. Now, it’s like we are forced to “rent” programs.

So… I started searching for FREE alternatives for Illustrator, and I’ve found about six of them so far. I thought that maybe – as a fun thing to blog about – I’d start experimenting with some of them and see if I can actually stay amused while producing illustrations that don’t cost me a cent. Haha! Why not?!

That’s the cool thing about adaptation. It’s kind of fun… like trying to beat the system! I don’t know. That’s my thoughts anyway.

So… I will definitely be investigating some of these free programs, and my hope is that I can share my creations here, along with my thoughts about my personal experience trying to learn and use these free programs.

I had started the Zebra in Illustrator, and that’s one reason that I wanted to get it done… in case I decide to pull the plug on Adobe next month.

Well, that’s about all for now! Wish me luck… let’s see if this old Zebra can really change her stripes. ;0)

Until next time,
Peace and Love!


4 responses to “Can a Zebra…”

  1. Dracul Van Helsing Avatar

    Yes, things change.

    I went into my favourite donut shop today and ordered a large coffee.

    When the clerk handed it to me after I paid the large Coffee price, I said I wanted a large Coffee.

    And he said, that is a large coffee.

    I went and sat down thinking, This looks like a small coffee cup to me.

    Then I looked over at the next table where there were two gentlemen drinking coffee and they were drinking really small cups that I had never seen in that place before.

    So it’s deception.

    Rather than increase the price which makes them look bad, they just give you smaller cups for the same old price.

    But for regular customers who remember the size of the old cups, it does make them look bad.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Janet Avatar

      Oh yeah! I’ve seen packages of food getting smaller too. You’re right, it is deception. But speaking of coffee it definitely has gone up too, so I get the price adjustment- just not the trickery lol.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gilberto Avatar

    as usual you are spot on and profound in the simplest ways. Love you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar

      Love you too!


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