A Walk in the Park

“It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” -Ursula K. Le Guin.

I really like that quote. It’s been attributed to Ernest Hemingway, but Quote Investigator said it was originally used in the book ‘The Left Hand of Darkness’, written by Ursula K. Le Guin.

It’s interesting to look these things up, because I learn about different people and books that I’ve never even heard of before. Sometimes it leads me down a completely new path, and that’s always exciting.

Speaking of a new path, I wanted to go back to some bright and cheerful color – a stark contrast from my previous ‘dark shadow’.

As I mentioned before, I’ve started a weaving class. Since it started – and I’ve come to know what weaving actually is (Ha-Ha!) – I’ve been checking out some tapestry ideas, and many of them are mountains with the sun or moon behind them.

I like the look of some of those, so I decided to play around with the same idea in Illustrator. With the winding path, amidst colorful rolling hills, I thought it would be fun to make the image long and narrow – like a smart phone cover image.

I think it’s pretty inviting – it looks like a place I’d love to visit! Anyway, I guess that’s all for now. Thanks for checking it out, I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time,
Peace & Love!!


4 responses to “A Walk in the Park”

  1. Tanvir Kaur Avatar

    Nice positive post shared and along with you readers will surely enjoy your journey too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar

      Thank you!


  2. Firenz' Avatar

    Nice and positive thoughts. Thank you for this sharing. Have a nice day ! (or evening ? or night ? I am in France, in Normandy, so the time is maybe different in your place)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Avatar

      Thank you!


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